September 11, 2024 | Blogs

Before the Ballot: Advancements in OOH Political advertising

Harnessing the Power of Dynamic, Real-Time Advertising to Connect with Voters Where It Matters Most

Harnessing the Power of Dynamic, Real-Time Advertising to Connect with Voters Where It Matters Most

As election season approaches, the battle for voter attention intensifies. Political advertisers must find innovative ways to connect with voters in a crowded and noisy environment. One of the most powerful tools in their arsenal is digital out of home (DOOH) advertising, particularly when combined with the agility and precision of programmatic technology.

The Growth of Political Ad Spend

The global ad spend for government, social, and political organizations is expected to see a significant increase in 2024. This growth highlights the increasing recognition of the power of advertising in influencing voter behavior. As more audiences continue to return to public spaces - commuting to work, attending events, or simply spending time outdoors - DOOH presents a unique opportunity to reach them where they are, with messages that resonate in real-time.

Why Programmatic DOOH?

Programmatic DOOH allows political advertisers to deliver highly targeted, dynamic content to voters with unparalleled efficiency. This technology enables campaigns to adapt their messaging on the fly, responding to the latest developments in the political landscape, and ensuring that their messages are always relevant and timely.

Key reasons to leverage programmatic DOOH during election season include:

  1. Advanced Targeting & Measurement: With programmatic DOOH, campaigns can precisely target specific voter demographics, ensuring that their messages reach the right people at the right time. Advanced measurement tools also allow for the tracking of campaign performance in real-time, providing valuable insights that can be used to optimize strategies.

  2. National Scale with Local Precision: While DOOH offers the ability to reach a national audience, programmatic technology allows for hyper-local targeting. This means that a campaign can tailor its messages to resonate with voters in specific regions or even individual polling districts.

  3. Real-Time Data & Reporting: The ability to react to real-time data is crucial during an election season. Programmatic DOOH allows campaigns to update their messaging based on the latest polling data, news developments, or social media trends, ensuring that their content is always current and impactful.

Effective Strategies for Political Campaigns

To maximize the impact of programmatic DOOH, political campaigns should consider the following strategies:

  • Geolocation Targeting: By using geolocation, campaigns can target voters at key locations, such as polling centers or along popular transit routes. This ensures that messages are seen by those who are most likely to take immediate action.

  • Custom Audience Segments: Tailoring messaging to specific voter segments based on demographics, interests, or previous engagement can increase relevance and drive better outcomes.

  • Dynamic Creative Optimization: Leveraging dynamic creative allows campaigns to automatically update content in response to real-time events. For example, a campaign could adjust its messaging based on the latest polling trends or breaking news.

  • Retargeting Across Channels: By retargeting voters who have interacted with ads on other platforms, campaigns can reinforce their messages and increase the likelihood of voter engagement.

  • Post-Campaign Measurement: After the election, it’s crucial to measure the effectiveness of DOOH campaigns. Metrics such as brand awareness, footfall to polling locations, and overall voter engagement can provide valuable insights for future campaigns.

Reaching Voters with Precision and Control

Political campaigns are unique in their objectives and challenges. Programmatic DOOH is particularly well-suited to meet these needs, offering both precision and control that traditional media channels simply cannot match. Whether the goal is to drive awareness, increase voter turnout, or respond to breaking news, programmatic DOOH provides the tools necessary to achieve success.

As voters prepare to make their decisions at the polls, political campaigns must find ways to stand out in a crowded landscape. Programmatic DOOH offers a powerful solution, combining the reach of traditional out-of-home advertising with the precision and flexibility of digital technology. By adopting this approach, campaigns can ensure that their messages are seen by the right people, at the right time, with the right impact.

For more information on how to leverage programmatic DOOH for your political campaign, contact your local Hivestack client service representative or visit us at